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Plains, 'Problem With It'

Last week, two songwriters — Jess Williamson and Waxahatchee's Katie Crutchfield — announced I Walked With You A Ways, their debut and also allegedly swan song under the moniker Plains. "Problem With It" is the lead single and it's a stunner. Produced by Crutchfield's recent collaborator Brad Cook and backed by a band consisting of Phil Cook and Spencer Tweedy, Crutchfield and Williamson have said the song was inspired by the country music both artists were raised on. It's a breakup song, sung with conviction, especially on the chorus, as the song builds and the duo harmonizes, "If it's all you got, yeah, it's all you gave / I got a problem with it." With driving electric and acoustic guitars, "Problem With It" is the type of song built for road trips — it's meant to be turned up loud and will have you singing along before it's over.

Copyright 2022 North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC

Brian Burns graduated from UNC's School of Information and Library Science in 2015 and is currently working as WUNC's Music Librarian.