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Alabama A&M University's Marketing, Communications and Advancement (MCA)division is a liaison between the University and its many public audiences, partners, and stakeholders.  It handles relations with AAMU's host communities, state and federal governments, the news media, and is responsible for fundraising.

The Public Relations Team (Marketing and Public Relations unit and the Electronic Media Communications/WJAB 90.9)  accounts for the University’s outbound communications; serves as a resource to local, national and international media organizations; and plays a key role in sustaining the University’s online and broadcast presence.  It produces several print and online publications, such as “The Bottomline,” for the University, resolutions, announcements, notices, photography and services.  The Electronic Media Communications also provides numerous community outreach functions.

For the latest news happening on the campus of Alabama A&M University check out "The Bottomline"

For the latest video productions by the Electronic Media Communications, please check out our YouTube Page.